Kyne Property Group

Simple Ways to stick to your New Year’s resolution


The new year is here and already off to a momentous start. Like many, you may have sat down and created some resolutions to keep you focused on creating your best year yet. But experts say that close to 80 percent of people don’t succeed in keeping their resolutions. Here are a few tricks to keeping yours and even some ideas to make resolutions if you haven’t done so yet. It’s never too late to plan for a good year!

Simply rewording your “resolutions” as “goals” can make a difference. This creates a positive mindset shift.

Did you make your resolutions fun? You are more likely to stick to your resolutions if you actually enjoy them. Hobbies can actually be good for you because they can lower stress levels, improve focus and improve brain power.

Set a goal with daily variety like expanding your vocabulary. The internet makes life easy for learning something new daily, especially a new word each day.

Other daily goals include establishing a ritual you can follow each morning at the same time. This will get you into the habit and after 66 days, it will become a part of your day that you don’t think about, like brushing your teeth.

We recently blogged about “The Miracle Morning for Parents and Families” by Mike and Lindsay McCarthy. Check it out and see how you can incorporate your family into your goals!

Exercise is the most commonly set and failed resolution. To stick with it this year, redefine exercise to be something fun for you. If you don’t enjoy running, but love dancing, look into taking a Zumba class. If you don’t like to sweat much, consider swimming laps. Even brisk walking each day or opting to take the stairs instead of the elevator can sneak in exercise into your day.  Short on time? There are a variety of exercise apps available, even a seven minute one!

One of our favorite goals is to practice gratitude every day. Gratitude creates positivity, which fuels all the other goals above and more! Take a few minutes every day to reflect on what you are grateful for. Set your phone alarm for a random time in the middle of the day and program it to read, “Stop! Be grateful.”

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