Kyne Property Group

Goal setting for Financial Success

Goal Setting

Big systems, daily practices and rituals are just some of the many tools successful people use to yield big results. [Tweet “Being purposeful brings results, not luck.”]

No matter what tools you use to build your pathway to success, ONE Thing is for sure: you must start with a goal. Everyone needs a goal. Beyond setting that goal, you need to write the goal on a piece of paper and place it somewhere you can see it every day and recite it to yourself.

Every Keller Williams market center offers associates an opportunity to attend a class called Ignite. In Ignite, associates new to the industry or new to Keller Williams learn a variety of success-building strategies, including goal setting. The Ignite course materials encourage students to have a goal, check in on it every day and always work at the right tasks to keep moving toward the goal.

On Day 1 of the Ignite course (called ” Rev-up”), the instructor asks every associate to write down how much money they want to make in the year. Then the instructor tells them to double it. It is at this time where most agents have a concerned look wash over their faces. Their original goal was ambitious, so doubling the figure makes it seem impossible. It is at this moment of doubt when they learn how easy it actually is to achieve the goal. Using the goal worksheet below, associates calculate how they can reach their goal and the looks of doubt transform into looks of excitement.

Three Steps To Reaching Your Income Goal

Step 1. Figure out how much you want to earn and how many transactions you will need to close to earn that goal.

Step 2: Figure out how many appointments you need to result in the needed transactions.

Step 3: Figure out how many leads you need to generate to set the number of appointments you need to close the number of transactions that will reach your financial goal.

To help associates kick-start achieving their goal, they are asked to make one call in class and ask a friend or family member to give them the name of someone they know who might need help with their real estate needs. “In all the years that I have been teaching this class, without fail, at least one person gets at least one lead right there in class,” exclaimed Julie Nelson, the director of career development at the Austin Southwest market center. It really works if you pick up the phone and lead generate your heart out!

When setting goals, remove your limiting beliefs. Set what you want and work hard to make it happen. If you struggle staying on task and need help along the way, consider hiring a coach. Coaching is proven to help associates at all production levels realize their full potential and be accountable so they stay on track to reach their goals.

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