Kyne Property Group

A rapidly changing technology environment

In a technology panel led by Chris Heller, top agents including Team Leader Jerimiah Taylor, Briana Sullivan and Tony Carnesi, shared tips on how to leverage the value of technology in every aspect of your business.

Below are the six key takeaways:

1. Everyone needs to be on board. According to Taylor, when leaders use the Keller Williams plug-and-play technology suite at a high level, they lead by example. Carnesi agrees, and he leads by example by making the KW App his ‘ONE thing’. “Utilizing your branded KW App is imperative. How many people you get on the app help you lock down market share,” said Carnesi. “Additionally, the new Homekeepr partnership will be huge to keep customers connected over time.”

2. Tools needs to be user-friendly. Keller Williams understands that ease of use is of top importance with tools like KW Connect, Agent Mountain, Keller Williams University and BOLD. The recruit pass for KW Connect is a great way to share the details about the KW technology suite and to show the many tools available to agents to drive their business. And don’t forget to demonstrate the benefits of your branded KW App.

3. Help others learn how to use the tools. All thee panelist said technology is a major part of their agent orientation. Sullivan recommends walking through eEdge setup and not relying on having a new agent watch videos on their own. Be helpful! Taylor holds a full-day market center orientation to walk through step by step. The leadership toolbox on myKW gives you everything you need to, not only get yourself oriented with the tools, but how to teach others about them.

Taylor said, “In order for everyone to embrace the tools, you have to gauge their level of understanding and adjust your training accordingly. From one being “where’s the on button” to 10 being “I could write the code for this”. Best of all, every one of these tools in the KW technology suite are offered to KW agents.

4. Use the tools. According to the panel, eEdge is a more powerful tool than many realize. For example, one panelist said that within a week, a new team had customers reaching back out to them from a drip campaign. Another panelist mentioned that after being on a drip campaign for 14 months, a $10 mil capper joined their team as a result of the eEdge touches.

It’s paramount for leadership to be able to use the tech tools to direct agents to the appropriate resources said Sullivan. Carnesi followed up to say, “My AHA from this morning is that I need to model technology better. We are getting ready to implement video more effectively to keep the agents more connected.” Taylor agreed and said: “KW Video is our best kept secret.”

5. Focus. Carnesi wrapped up the conversation reminding the audience that technology is overwhelming and changing so quickly. In order to successfully use the technology tools offered by Keller Williams, agents need to focus on one or two things, not 10 or 15.

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