Kyne Property Group

4 ways to connect with your sphere

Local Expert

Keller Williams University’s free and learning-centric RED Talks Live was a live streaming event made available on KWConnect to all KW associates. The event featured 12 of KW’s top agents who discussed the topics that matter most to today’s agent. KW Mega Agent Haro Setian presented “Be the Local Expert” and shared what he does to stay connected to his community.

Setian began his local expert talk with a story about how he got into the real estate business and then illustrated how any conversation can lead you on a path to business success.

From the beginning, Setian took a very determined and persistent approach to his real estate career, using skills he learned while paying his way through college by selling educational books door-to-door for eight summers, coupled with a B.A. and an M.A. in economics. His goal remains to get to know people so well they are “family.”

He suggests you get to know people in your community and know the local real estate numbers extremely well. To help achieve this, he suggests you write down “tribes” and put them on an index card with a story about each person. By knowing the community so well, it helped him gain traction fast.

Setian stays in contact with his “family” through the following activities:

Monthly mailers
Two big client events a year
33 Touch system – viral marketing
Posting items of value on Facebook

He then makes sure to master the local real estate numbers because, “People don’t argue with facts,” he said. Most other agents fear numbers and avoid them so that really sets him apart. He also likes to understand how people are connected to others in their community. The connection helps you move forward in business. Numbers are a place holder for stories.

Keller Williams agents are using the Career Growth Initiative Local Expert tool monthly to share their story in their local communities. This tool, which includes a suite of fully customizable, professionally designed graphics and documents, helps them communicate their results and show how they performed against their local market.

Knowledge makes > confidence which produces > RESULTS

Setian concluded his presentation with one of his favorite quotes:

“You will get all you want in life, if you help enough other people get what they want.” – Zig Ziglar

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