Kyne Property Group

The Recipe to becoming a Massive Lead Generator


While working as a bank teller in high school, Keller Williams associate Jeff Quintin had his first glimpse into the earning potential of a real estate agent. During his employment at the bank, Quintin met numerous real estate agents and quickly realized he wanted to start a real estate career of his own. Wasting no time, Quintin began prospecting and generating business. While he was getting the appointments, he wasn’t closing the deals; so Quintin turned his attention to scripts and developing a morning routine that changed the trajectory of his career.

Here are the five steps Quintin took to become a massive lead generator:

1. He created a structured environment to support his lead generation.
2. He learned what to say and he practiced it every day.
3. He took action and got on the phone.
4. He understood that he was a salesperson first and a real estate agent second.
5. He made prospecting a habit.

Quintin shares his experience and tips for how you too can become a massive lead generator …

Create a Habit

Quintin stresses that it is important to understand that massive lead generation is the fuel for your business. “It’s like your car. If you don’t put gas in it, your car will die,” he says. Quintin points out the same is true for your business. You must fuel it with leads to keep it alive.

You have two options: You can buy the business or you can find the business.

Everything Starts with Mindset

Quintin says that your daily prospecting and morning routine must start the night before. Ask yourself before you go to bed:

What are you watching?
What are you eating?
What time do you go to bed?
How are you preparing for the next morning?

Harness the Power of Daily Affirmations

Quintin points out that in order to be a successful massive lead generator, you need to have the right affirmations when it comes to prospecting. Remind yourself every day:

“I am an efficient, I am an effective, I am a productive and I am a profitable agent.”

Maximize Your “Money Time”

Your money time is between the time you wake up and noon. Your mornings have to become media-free: no radio, TV or email if you are serious about prospecting. Quintin advises that you need to protect your mornings, which he calls your “sacred time.” “When you master your morning, you master your life,” Quintin says.

Why the morning is the best time to lead generate:

1. You have more energy.
2. People will listen to you because they are more receptive.
3. If you don’t lead generate in the morning, other things will come up and distract you.

Strengthen the Link Between Prospecting and Your Goals

“The activity doesn’t mean as much if they are not connected to goals,” Quintin says. He believes that 80 percent of your business must be going out and finding it and those activities should be directly related to your goals. As Gary Keller has said, “Your business must be prospecting based and marketing enhanced.”

As easy as it sounds, there are still several reasons why agents are not prospecting and lead generating. They include:

1. They don’t know who to prospect.
2. They don’t know what to say.
3. They have nonproductive, bad work habits.
4. They can’t handle the rejection, success or embarrassment.

If any of the above apply to you, consider following Quintin’s daily prospecting routine and get in the habit of lead generating.

Quintin’s Daily Prospecting Routine

1. Get up at the same time every morning.
2. Do some sort of exercise.
3. Eat a healthy breakfast.
4. Do affirmations early.
5. Arrive at the office at specific times each morning.
6. Have a clean desk and be prepared.
7. Role-play every day and practice your scripts.
8. Have fun!

Quintin says that learning to prospect requires becoming a black belt script master, learning what to say, being a morning ritual master, mastering the emotions of the ups and down of doing this and hiring a KW MAPS Coach. All of these activities have helped Quintin achieve the business success he has enjoyed and continues to fuel.

Now that you’ve learned how Quintin has mastered lead generation, it’s your turn.

Starting tomorrow, wipe off your morning schedule and commit to performing the most important activity of the day from the time you wake up until noon. By doing this, you will be on your way to having a more profitable, predicable and duplicable business.

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